JS HL Spray Converter

Select an image file to export it to a halflife or counter-strike 1.6 wad spray file.

You can select between the RgbQuant and quantize.js quantize methods as well as select a resize method, some methods might suit certain images better. Additionally you can add a border around the spray to preserve transparent backgrounds better. The sharpness filter can be applied after resizing the image.

You can crop the selected image by draging a selection in the left image in the Crop pane. Different images might look better with different quantizing, resizing and sharpness settings, try a few to see which looks best. Clicking 'Crop' will copy the selection from the cropped selection to the spray preview.

In the Spray Preview pane you can zoom the spray preview, autosize the spray dimensions to best fit the cropped image and manually select spray dimensions. Clicking 'Export' will generate the converted wad spray file.

Select a file


RgbQuant quantize.js

hermite-downscale custom-downscale browser-multiple browser-single

Add transparent border

Spray Preview

Palette Preview